Saturday, January 21, 2017

Addiction; Philippians 2:14

"Do everything without grumbling or arguing."  I bet you are a bit confused right now why I would choose this scripture with the post title being "addiction".  I've watched social media, listened to countless conversations, seen such non-sense on the news that it turns my stomach as we become a society that has become a nation of chronic complainers... people who have become addicted to grumbling, complaining and all around negative thinking and talking.  Its become an epidemic!

Do you know that the word "joy" is found 218 times in the NIV Bible?  JOY!  Not grumbling or complaining or bad mouthing one another but for us to have JOY!  I don't know about you but I would so rather have joy in my spirit than a spirt of grumbling.  I would rather look around to find the good in people, to find how we are alike and can share in a responsibility to make this life a life filled with joy, laughter and peace.  What I find though is that so many are looking for allies who share in their addiction to grumbling and complaining.  That has to grieve the heart of God.  Did you know that God actually commands us to shout joyfully to the Lord and all the earth??  We are commanded to serve the Lord with gladness, come before him with joyful singing!  Be glad in the Lord and rejoice!  I could go on and on... but I think you are getting the point.

So why is it that we choose to grumble and complain and be disheartened?  I know life is a challenge, believe me... I've had more challenges to overcome than many know but I still count it ALL joy for the Lord continues to bless me and grow me into something more beautiful.  I'm not talking a physical beauty, but I am talking about a heart that finds joy even in the small things, that finds peace in the quiet of his spirt and finds love when I least expect to find it.  I can still find something each day to say Thank You Lord for blessing me with.... fill in the blank.  Or thank you Lord that my family and friends are still here today or that I got out of bed or that I have a new challenge that is going to continue to define my character and create a heart in me that is after my heavenly father.  Will it be easy... NOOO!  But if it were all easy, would we ever really grow?  Would we ever truly appreciate the blessings we have?  Our human nature fights us at every turn and will look to find a reason to grumble even if we truly have no reason to grumble... why?  Because we have become a nation addicted to drama and grumbling!!

Over the years I have had many comment that they seldom see me without a smile on my face.  Its not because I'm not facing hardship, sickness or issues, but its because I have the joy of the Lord residing in me and I know deep in my knower that all will work out.  I have the smile on my face because it is well in my soul, maybe not in my life...but in my soul.

I challenge you as you read this right now to pray against the spirit of grumbling, complaining and being negative and to spend the next 30 days finding a blessing each day, to refrain from letting anything that resembles a grumble to escape from your lips.  Are you willing to take up this challenge or has your addiction become too much of a strong hold on your spirit?

This challenge may require you to turn away from social media, it may require you to turn off your TV and radio.  It may challenge you to look at others differently.  This challenge may cause you to look at yourself differently.  This challenge may defeat your addiction to grumbling and allow joy to be your companion again even during difficult times.  I promise you, you won't regret saying yes.  You may find a new addiction in its place...An addiction of sharing joy with others, of being a positive influence to another or simply finding peace within your soul.

Who is with me?  Can you do it?  Can you lay down the grumbling and accept joy?  The world around you may not change during the next 30 days while you fight against your addiction of grumbling, but then again it person at a time.

Under His Wings,