Tuesday, June 4, 2013

GPS; God Providing Solutions; Proverbs 16:9

"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps."

Years ago my husband, my nephew and I were driving home from a friend's party.  We had just gotten a new Garmin and were curious as to how "Gabby" (that's what we named our Garmin, "Gabby Garmin") would take us home.  We wondered, would she take us the way we were use to going home or would she take us a different route?  hmmm.... Well she opted to take us on a different road home.  For those wondering... she continues to do that to us to this day.  As we were driving and chatting looking at the new scenery heading home (we hoped), we noticed a little white church with a tall steeple in the middle of corn fields.  Where did that come from?  We were only about 6 minutes away from home and here was this church in the middle of what we considered no where. 

Chris (my hubby) and I had been looking for a church for some time to call home but really hadn't found "the one" and believe me we had put forth the effort to find one.  That night, on a dark empty somewhat country road we see a tall steeple beckoning.  We pulled in the parking lot and wrote down the service time and planned on going the very next morning.  Just for clarification, our nephew was completely on board with checking it out too.  We arrived the next morning greeted by some of the most welcoming family and that is truly the only word to describe what we found that morning, our family.  You see that night God was providing a solution to our longing for a church home.  He was establishing our steps.  That night, Jesus took the wheel as Carrie Underwood sings and he guided us to what has been a place for us to worship, to grow and to build lasting relationships. 

You may say well that was a sweet story, Heather, but it was just your silly GPS that took you by chance down that road.  You and I will have to disagree on that.  We had been in great prayer petitioning God to lead us where he'd have us be, where we could serve and grow deeper in his word.  We were growing weary of looking and attending church after church only winding up disappointed by one thing or another.  No church we attending was "bad", they just weren't the church family we longed to be part of.  You see we were trying to take charge in our church search instead of letting the Holy Spirit guide us and direct us.  We had to let go of our control and let God take control.  Although we left for a year gaining yet another incredible church family a little further south of home, we found our church family nearly in our backyard.  God in his infinite wisdom provided a solution.

God provides solutions in life for all things.  I've learned that I need to lean and trust on him to guide my steps in both the small and great things in life.  There is nothing too small and nothing too large for the God of this universe to handle for me.  He doesn't need my help, he doesn't need me being a "Gabby Garmin" directing him and taking control of the wheel of life.  He simply wants to carry out the plans he has for me.  Sometimes I don't understand his ways, I don't quite get what he's even trying to say but it's in those moments I take my hands off the wheel and let him simply drive me in the right direction. 

All those years ago, Jesus died on a cross to begin creating a solution for my salvation.  He didn't need my great plans, he didn't need anything from me except to trust him with my life.  I've so often tried to take the control back and sometimes I even give God a little "assistance" only to notice I've taken a wrong turn.  How many times have I heard, "Make a legal U-Turn" both from Gabby Garmin and the Holy Spirit?

Since following that new road, receiving new directions, God has strengthened me and allowed me to be part of some really incredible women's lives.  He's allowed me to have a ministry called God's Chicks Without Walls where I am able to serve alongside amazing beautiful sister-chicks.  We study, we share, we serve and we sow.  I can't think of a more fulfilling life and all because of  that"silly GPS".

What different road is God leading you down that you keep trying to turn away from?  When are you going to take your hands off the wheel and let God provide the solution?  God has provided each of us a "Gabby Garmin" to guide us in the form of the Holy Spirit... let him guide you, you won't regret it.

Under His Wings,