Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Perfect Gift; Isaiah 9:6

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

Many around the globe today are shopping for what is perceived as the "perfect gift" for their family or friend.  Frustrations run high because too many never do find that perfect gift either due to insufficient resources or just the mere fact of not being able to locate something that seems to be "perfect".  My hope is that those reading this who are already Christ followers recognize the perfect gift was given to us all those years ago in the form a precious baby born in humble surroundings, giving us the greatest gift of all... life.

What would life be like today if Jesus Christ was never born in that manger?  What would our future, our hopes or our dreams look like if he hadn't willingly came to this earth in human flesh to walk among us to understand our weaknesses and give up his life for them?  I shudder at the thought of my life without Christ... the void of the perfect gift is more than I can imagine.

Every year it seems that I hear people say, Christmas has just become too commercialized and I will agree with that statement 100%, but the fact of the matter is that we say it and then we rush to the local mall to pick out those perfect gifts to give in hopes to bring a smile to another's face.  We have those who choose not to exchange gifts as well.  Are either of these wrong according to scripture?  Are we hurting another by giving or not giving a gift to someone at this season of hope?  If only we could make it about the giving and not the gift and pray that the gift has already been received by the acceptance of Jesus as Savior and Lord. 

Love comes in a variety of packages, gifts you might call them.  There is no greater gift we can give one another than to give our love.  I happen to enjoy the act of gift giving, to see my loved one's faces light up when they see the brightly packaged present before them.  I don't know, I can't help but think that Jesus just might be smiling knowing that his birthday (or the day we set aside as his birthday) is the day we choose to give more to one another than any other day.  It's not just in the gifts that we can touch and feel, but the gifts of our time and opening up of our hearts to set aside times to fellowship and do charitable acts for others.  Gift giving isn't the problem... the problem is in forgetting the greatest gift, the perfect gift, we've already been given.

I pray this season you focus on the perfect gift and recognize you will never find it in the mall.  Jesus gave us all a life changing gift the day he took on flesh and chose to be the perfect sacrifice, the perfect gift, to save us from a life void of God.  Jesus came to be our wonderful counselor, our prince of peace, mighty God and everlasting father to us all. 

As this year closes and a new year fastly approaches, I pray that we see each day as an opportunity to give to others the perfect gift, the gift of life eternal through the acceptance of Jesus as Savior.  If you haven't already accepted the perfect gift for your own life, all you need to do is confess your sins to God and accept him as savior in your life.  Simply pray a prayer such as: 

"Dear God, I know that I am a sinner weak in flesh and spirit.  I ask that you come into my heart and forgive me of my sins and wash me clean again.  I pray to receive the perfect gift this season in accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior of my life.  Amen."

God Bless you and keep you firmly in his hands this coming year.  Continue to count the blessing of the perfect gift found in the acceptance of Christ Jesus and the love shared with one another.

Under His Wings,

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bloom; Isaiah 35:1-4

"The desert will rejoice, and flowers will bloom in the wastelands. The desert will sing and shout for joy; it will be as beautiful as the Lebanon Mountains and as fertile as the fields of Carmel and Sharon. Everyone will see the Lord's splendor, see his greatness and power.  Give strength to hands that are tired and to knees that tremble with weakness.  Tell everyone who is discouraged, "Be strong and don't be afraid! God is coming to your rescue,..."

I don't know about you but these verses in Isaiah make me feel strong and make my heart glad because I know that God has and will always come to my rescue.  In the dry dormant seasons of life when winter begins to freeze the earth around us; we can begin to focus on the spiritual scenery in our lives as well.  When the world becomes void of the vivid colors that the great artist has displayed for us throughout summer and fall we can begin to see things as bleak and without hope but Praise God that his very word tells us that the flowers will bloom in the wastelands.

Some of you reading this may say, Heather... I love winter what are you talking about?  Praise God for my winter loving friends.  I think you see a beauty in nature that not all of us can see and focus on, but I'm getting there.  I know this is a great shock to many who know me personally as winter has often felt like a prison to me.  It has frozen me in my tracks and many times I've felt that perhaps I should have, as they say, been born a bear and just wake up in the spring after a long winter's nap.  But in all seasons, ALL SEASONS, we bloom.  Did you know that there are some flowers that break through during the winter season such as the Star of Bethlehem?  Imagine that... the star of Bethlehem emerges just as we begin to see all else fade away.  The irony of that isn't lost on me, how about you?

Although we are entering winter here in the United States, we can rest in knowing that God tells us that he will continue to strengthen us and give life even during the seasons that seem nothing but a vast desert land.  God is always with us, he never leaves us and he never forsakes us.  When you feel like you've hit the desert sands... Praise Him.  When you feel the valley has no waters left to draw from, Praise Him.  Our God is bigger than our deserts and has living waters that will never run dry and he will see you through your season.

Do you feel like you have landed in the middle of the arctic and see no hope in site?  Do you feel like life is just an empty wasteland swallowing you up and taking all away from you?  Be like the Star of Bethlehem... break free and bloom right where you are inspite of the conditions and let the Son shine through you.

Be Strong and Don't be Afraid,

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

If You're Happy and You Know it...; Job 8:21

"He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy".

Well first let me say it's good to be back on here and writing again, it's been a while.  It's not because God hasn't been sharing with me... but sometimes it's just between He and I.  :)

This week has been a difficult one for many along the east coast of our beautiful nation with the onset of Hurricane Sandy.  Perhaps someone is reading this right now that has suffered a direct impact from this mighty storm.  I hope that you know that we have all been praying for you as each day has passed.  It's hard to talk about joy when there is such devastation but the word tells us in Philippians 4:4 to rejoice ALWAYS.  I know... easy for me to say as I didn't just survive the storm of all storms; but there have been times that I was the survivor of a great storm in my life although it appeared in a different manner.

Life has a way of knocking us down, tossing us about like we are nothing but a small boat on the vast ocean.  But off in the distance there is a grand lighthouse casting it's light and giving us a beacon of hope guiding us safely ashore.  The waves continue to crash around us, the storm beats hard against the hull of our little boat where we are clinging on barely to one oar to keep moving.  But we hold on because we know if we can just navigate into the path of the light that we will make it safely.

Can you just picture all of this for a moment.  As all seems lost.... there He is.... our lighthouse, King Jesus, cheering us on and saying don't give up, I am with you my child, let me give you strength to keep pushing through.  Nehemiah 8:10 says "The joy of the Lord is your strength".  There is strength found in keeping joy in your heart even in the midst of the storm.  I find sometimes the best medicine to help me break free from sinking deep into sadness or dispare is to find laughter.  Proverbs 17:22 tells us that a cheerful heart is good medicine.  There is great healing power in laughter.  Have you ever tried to be sad and laugh at the same time?  It's hard!  The laughter starts to cast out the sadness if even for a little while. 

Last Sunday our church did a lifesize Candyland game.  I wasn't sure how many families would actually show up as the weather had already begun to get windy and cold but when have you ever met a kid who would give up an afternoon of joy and laughter over a little wind and dropping temperatures?  One by one the kiddos came, one by one they touched the hearts of us watching as they lit up like little lighthouses, big beaming smiles casting away all the cares of the weather, the approaching storm as if it didn't exist at all.  Oh to be be like a child again.  We all should take time to be like children again... lighting up the world around us with big beaming smiles filled with joy and laughter because we have a lighthouse in our Savior that will always bring us through our storms.

Are you struggling to make it to shore, lost in the darkness of the storm around you unable to see the light trying to guide you safely through?  Has your joy and laughter been replaced with sadness and discontentment?  Look to Jesus, He is the light of the world breaking through the darkest storms to reach you and guide you safely home.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Greatest of these; I Corinthians 13:13

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

The past few months I've had the honor of working with an amazing group of women with like hearts, hearts that truly love God and love one another as sisters in Christ.  Some may read this and say, sure they do.  I can understand that response.  Some of you may have been hurt by people in the church and your view of who the "church" is may be a little jaded or even a painful memory.  Unfortunately, even those in our church families can cause pain whether intentionally or unintentionally.  The part that we all have to remember is that we are all human and we will let one another down from time to time... even those who are called to build us up.  The church is full of people seeking to be better, to understand what it truly means to be a Christ follower and praying for a closer relationship with Christ and each other.  We aren't perfect, we never will be here on this earth, but we keep trying and some days we have more success than others.  There are also those people who "attend church" that simply go because that's what they've always done.  There are all kinds of people in the church, but there is only one kind of people who ARE the church.  Those are some of the same people you see during your church services, but these people are different. 

You may be a little confused by now with what I just said.  Let me explain.  There is a significant difference in attending church versus being the church.  I believe that anyone, whether you are a believer or not, can tell the difference between these two groups of people.  Anyone can walk into a church service, but it takes someone with the heart of Christ to be the church.  This heart that I'm talking about is the heart that loves, plain and simple.  The word tells us that love is the greatest gift.  Matthew 22:36-39 says, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  Being the church means planting these two commandments, the greatest commandments, in your heart and carrying those out in action. 

This weekend I got to see my church family and by that I mean the greater church and not just my church where i attend each week, put these commandments into action.  We were able to share the love of Christ with a group of women at the Domestic Violence Center in Greene County.  It was an incredible blessing to be part of this display of love.  The women who joined together to share the love of Christ truly were representing the church as it was intended.  There wasn't an expectation, it wasn't self-serving and it wasn't about feeling good about doing something good.  It was about understanding the two great commandments on love.  The love of God that this group of women has that consumes their whole heart, soul and mind joined together to love their neighbor, to love their sisters.  We were able to share Christ even if we never mentioned his name.  Being a Christian isn't about shoving Christ down the throat of another, it's about sharing the very heart that Christ has placed in our bodies.  We were able to see a physical transformation immediately with the women that we ministered to... but more importantly we saw some heart changes to.  We began seeing a trust again in the church body that was displayed as a group of women from different church families coming to together for a single purpose... to love.

I don't say all of this to say that attending church isn't important.  Just the opposite actually.  If I didn't attend my church I would have never met the women that worked alongside me this weekend.  We would have never been ministered to ourselves to understand what it means to be the church.  Sure, I can read the word myself.  I can build a relationship with Christ and go out and serve.  But we were never commissioned to go out alone and that is where our church family, the place where we congregate each week, becomes so vital and important.  We need one another to become the church to the world.  We will never be perfect, we will mistakes, but we will also grow through the love that is shared and learn from the same mistakes that cause others to judge us.

I know there is much unrest right now in our world over our beliefs, our faith or religious backgrounds.  Believers and non-believers alike continue to judge one another and point fingers at each other simply because we believe differently.  That judgement breaks my heart because I've prayed my whole life for God to break my heart for what breaks his.  I know without doubt that God's heart is broken over the hate that has consumed so many hearts.  But I believe he also rejoices that his church is beginning to wake up and has begun to understand what love is. 

There is a song with lyrics that goes "I wanna know what love is, I want you to show me."  Is that your heart today?  Do you want to know what love is?  Have you opened up your heart to receive love so that you can give love?  Do you understand what being the church is versus attending?  Today that all could change for you simply by praying that simple prayer as I have often done... "Dear Lord, break my heart for what breaks yours... teach me to love as the church.  Amen"



Sunday, August 12, 2012

Who Am I? Psalm 139:1-18

"You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.  Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. You hem me in behind and before,and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?  If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.  If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.  If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.  For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand  when I awake, I am still with you."

Usually I blog using a passage or two to capture the point that God is sharing with us.  But I just couldn't stop at one or two when reminding you who you are.  Re-read this passage in Psalm 139 every time you begin to doubt who you are, who you belong to or why you are here.  The God of this universe knows when you rise and when you sit down.  He pays that close attention to you because you matter that much to him.  To some that may be a comforting thought, to know that God is always watching and has his hand upon us at all times.  To some this may be hard to think that God is always watching.  Sometimes our behavior, our words, our thoughts or interactions... they aren't always proud moments that we'd want God to see.  I know for me this scripture is both a comfort and reminder that I don't have a life outside of Christ, all that I am, all that I was created to be is wrapped up in him.  That gives me a supernatural feeling of strength.  His word says that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  It doesn't say I'm a mess, it doesn't say I'm broken, it doesn't say I'm unworthy.  The world will tell me that, the world loves to shout that out and it's what I know I am!  But that's not what MY GOD says... He says that all my days were ordained and written in the book before one of them even came to be.  He knows all of our moments, knows the words formed on our tongue before we even speak them.  How can that not make you feel valued and loved?  There is no place that you can hide from his presence, he is with you always.

God saw your unformed body being knitted together in your mother's womb.  He's had his eye on you before this world knew of your existence.  Do you know, can you begin to understand how precious you are to him?  When fear and doubt begin to weigh you down, when life seems unfair and out of balance and you have no clue as to what to do or how to make your next step, call out to the one who David wrote this Psalm for, call out to your Heavenly Father and ask him to remind you who you are.  Christ went to that cross to cover ALL of our sins, the ones from yesterday, today and tomorrow.  He's already paid the price and he did this not for someone he considered broken, a mess or unworthy.  He did this for you and me... his beloved, his child.  We are who we are because of who we belong to.

I couldn't close this blog without thinking of the song Casting Crowns wrote, "Who Am I?"  Listen and meditate on the words and know that the Lord of all the earth cares to know your name.



Monday, July 30, 2012

Mums the Word; James 1:12

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."

Perseverance... not an easy task sometimes, well really not easy any time is it?  The very definition of perseverance is 1.  steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. 2.  (Theology) continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation.

Earlier this year I was watering one of my flower beds.  I had already spread mulch down a few days earlier and was pleased to see some of the plants that I had planted in years past springing up through the mulch ready to showcase their beauty again this year.  But there was a little area that I knew that at the very end of the fall season last year in a last ditch effort to see if anything would come of it, I threw a mum that I really felt was already dead and gone in the ground and covered it up.  I really didn't expect it to do much because I had let it die after it provided fall decoration for my front porch, but what did I have to lose?  To my amazement there was a tiny patch of green coming up through the mulch where I had planted the mum.  I wasn't sure at first if it was the mum or I had yet another weed thriving ready to drive me crazy throughout the growing season.  But I kept watering and as I continued to watch, sure enough that little mum sprung back to life.  I don't know how it did it... it was neglected, depleted of any moisture and pretty much discarded but it persevered.  That little plant decided it still had life in it and I can't wait to see it bloom this fall as it was so big and beautiful last year before I thought I killed it. 

That mum reflects to me how we sometimes give up on things in our life that matter because things become difficult, obstacles occur and little encouragement do we receive from one another to persevere.  But somehow, the living water of the sweet Holy Spirit wells up within us and spills out providing the strength we need to press through and keep up the fight.  We push through whatever is tossed on us and we grow inspite of it, maybe even because of it.  Maybe it was one little word by a friend, a stranger or maybe even hearing the whisper from our savior telling us... be steady under trial, stand the test... the crown of life is just ahead, hold on!

Do you feel that the trial you are going through today is just too much, that you can't stand the test?  Have you prayed and felt your prayers go unanswered and that you can't make it?  Persevere... there is reward in your efforts and they don't go unnoticed.  God will see you through whatever is burying you, trying to take the very life he's given you away.  Remember the second definition, "continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation."  Walk in grace, walk with your head held high knowing that sometimes the journey is difficult and others may toss us aside giving us up as a loss but we have a Savior who never does.  He holds the watering can to restore us, to allow us to bloom again and show the world what it looks like to withstand the trial and come out stronger.



Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Do I have your attention now?, James 4:7-10

"Submit yourselves, then, to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.  Come near to God and he will come near to you.  Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.  Grieve, mourn and wail.  Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom.  Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up."

So did this passage get your attention?  How did it make you feel, at peace or convicted?  I think that's point, to open our eyes and remind us that our lives are not our own.  All we have, all we do belongs to our God even the joy, the laughter, the mourning and the gloom.  It is all his for we are all his.

The past couple of weeks have been an uphill climb for a precious family that I hold near to heart and in deepest prayer.  However, three young people's lives were forever impacted by a single moment, a single accident that will forever change them in some way.  God has been merciful and he has given them each a new day and reminded their families of the gift they have in each of them.  When I went to see the mother of the one young lady, Katy, you could see the pain in her face.  I felt the pain in her heart as she stood powerless in a hospital waiting room having to give all control over to the doctors to save her little girl.  I remember one of the first things she said to me in that hospital... "this was God's way of getting my attention wasn't it Heather, He's got it."  Cosmic two by fours are so difficult and we don't understand them but in all things the scripture tells us that he has a plan and a purpose.  It's hard to see that and understand that when we are in the middle of our crisis but if we look close enough, if we listen hard enough we see him and we hear him comforting us and drawing us near to him. 

My girlfriend has for the longest time, maybe always, been a believer.  Her children were raised in the church, they've learned hard lessons in life but they have incredible faith.  During this time of Katy's recovery, that faith has been tested but not once have they given up on the healing power of God or on knowing that he is always with them.  Nicole and I were standing in prayer claiming healing over Katy's broken body, there was such a sweet peace in that room because we knew without a doubt that she'd come through and we'd see her open those beautiful eyes and once again smart off to us.  Ooohh, how many times in the past has that been an annoyance but when you think it could have been the last time it's really all you want to hear... you want to hear the fight in that amazing girl lying there and fighting is what she is doing, she's coming back from her time of rest in the father's arms and he's giving her back to all those who love her so that we know who he is and what he can do when we draw close to him.  He doesn't have to be in the miracle business, he chooses us, he sets us apart and when we are humbled... he lifts us up.  While in that room as Nic and I were holding hands finished in prayer and talking with Katy about how she was a light, a superstar... the lights in the room came on.  No one was there to turn those lights on but God was there, that light that we all see in our Katy is the very light God placed in her and at that moment he reminded us.

Katy has a great story to tell when she wakes, a wonderful testimony of how God sent angels to watch over her, to find her and to get her in the care of healers.  God began healing Katy instantly through the touch of others around her and the prayers of the faithful lifting her up.  I pray we never forget that God wants our attention on him, not all the drama that can bring us down.  "Come near to God and he will come near to you."

Please continue to lift Katy and her family in prayer.  She still has a lot of healing to do, the family needs strength and encouragement.  I pray today as I wrap up this blog, that all say a thank you to a very loving God for the blessing of knowing this young lady and being part of her miraculous story.  Don't give up, even when life seems to come crashing down and throws you for the count... YOU have a God that doesn't give up and he loves you with an everlasting love.  All you have to do, call on him, believe in him and accept him as Lord and Savior of your life.  Katy will one day tell you that it's the greatest thing she ever chose to do.


(Katy... when the day comes that you can read this for yourself, know that you dear one have touched many lives.  ~~  Love you, Mama2)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bigger; Revelation 3:20

" Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."

hmmm, I bet you are wondering what exactly is this lady going to share with us today with that kind of title aren't you?  I know it struck me a bit odd myself when I thought about it but I get it so let me share.

Sometimes I need to be reminded that God is bigger than all my happy times, all my sad times and all my in between times.  Sometimes I need to be reminded that my God is bigger than my worry, my guilt, my shame, my pain.  Sometimes I need to be reminded that my God is bigger than my celebrations, my hopes, my dreams and my plans.  Sometimes I just need to be reminded that HE is GOD and I am simply blessed that He is who He is and I am who I am. 

I've been part of a Bible study on Thursday nights that has begun peeling back some of the not so pretty parts of me, you know those parts that you hope no one will ever know and that you'll always be able to cover up and pretend that they don't exist?  You know what happens when you pull off a scab (sorry, I know that is gross)... sometimes it hurts and the area feels tender and sometimes even bleeds a bit until it begins to heal.  God has been peeling off the "scabs" of my wounds of long ago and has begun a healing in me like I can't explain.  He's not only begun to heal those wounds but he's given me a lot of precious band-aids called sisters who are walking the journey with me in this class.  They have "STUCK" through this class with me and we have seen wonderful things happening in each other.  (that was a little play on words as the study is called Stuck by Jennie Allen).  This class served as a reminder to the one who caused all those wounds to begin with, the enemy of God and man, who God is and just how big he is. 

Each week we are given homework and an on-going question is "Who are you Lord?"  The first week I had my canned answer, sounded good, sounded just about perfect with all it's polish and by this week I began to really ask that question honestly.  Who are you, Lord?  He shared with me just today actually that he is the door when I pray for a window.  You see that's how big my God is.  He doesn't just give me what I pray for, he gives me more.  He goes one bigger and better than what I can envision for my own life.  I know that I can trust him with my whole being and that people will poke at the wound, maybe re-injure me but my God will be there to supply me with the "band-aids" to mend me and make me whole.

Scripture tells us " Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."  I've opened the door, the one God designed specifically for me.  In me he didn't create a window to my soul... he went one bigger.  My God is bigger.

Are you claiming a window when God gave you a door?  Have you bolted the lock so tightly that you've stopped all blessings coming in and going out because of the wounds that surround your heart?  Is today the day that you stop and answer the knock and hear his voice so that he can come in and be life within you?



Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Journey; Proverbs 16:9

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."

This is the time of year that school ends for many young people, some are beginning their next step of their journey as they exit from what others tell them they have to accomplish to graduate, to actually making decisions that impact their future.  It's a scary and exciting time for both the graduate and the family.  But it doesn't end there does it?  We continue on with our journey making plans and then changing them and making new ones and changing them and on and on. 

How many are doing exactly what they planned and in the exact manner that they planned it?  I'd say not many... maybe a few of you, but that's not the normal course of action.  I remember as a little girl I wanted to be a weather girl because it looked like a cool job, but then I found out that it wasn't just pointing at a weather map with a pretty smile on my face and well my course of action changed.  Then I decided I wanted to be a teacher as I loved English and thought yah that's what I want to do and then I changed my mind again.  I loathed high school, it wasn't an easy place for a girl who had low self-esteem but never wanted anyone to know that.  To escape I decided to go to the local vocational school and for me it was a great choice.  It boosted my self-confidence and gave me a profession in IT where I've experienced success and have been overall happy with the career.

After I lost my son I decided the best thing I could do for myself was to go back to school and get a degree in Psychology (Social Psychology to be more exact) and try to heal my broken heart by understanding how the mind works.  It was a good choice, but as you are now aware by reading this it wasn't my original choice.  Proverbs 16:9 says the Lord determines my steps.  You see God knew what my journey would be, although sometimes I made a lot of turns and sometimes, in my best GPS sounding voice, legal U-turns, it wasn't the course that I had planned in the beginning.  To be totally honest and revealing... I still don't have a clue what I want to be when I grow up but somehow I just know that God does and he's been ordering my steps from before the moment that I thought I wanted to be a weather girl.  The twists and turns that life has taken have been part of that journey that is leading me to my future moments.  The older I get the wiser I get,  not in my own understanding, but in the simple truth that I can trust God with all things which includes all of my tomorrows.  His plans have always turned out better than mine, I'm finally getting that and it's a big stress reliever knowing that I don't have to have it all planned out because God already does.

So if you are a recent graduate, congratulations!  You have nothing to fear, trust in the Lord... He has your steps already ordered and you can rest in that his plan is greater than any plan you can imagine.  Do the work, listen to his call and step in faith as he has called and ordered.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hide and Seek; Revelation 3:20

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."

Today I was able to be part of a beautiful celebration for Mother's Day, a holiday that typically is a day that reminds me of deep pain and loss.  I wasn't sure this year, honestly, if I was going to be strong enough to get through the day as planned.  As late as Friday evening I was questioning whether or not I was going to be able to do all that was expected and asked of me or if I was going to call a timeout and stay at home.   It wasn't on my own strength that I was able to serve.  It was through the strength of Christ that resides in me and in my sisters that are always praying and standing in the gap for me calling on Jesus to give me what I need to sustain me in moments of weakness and need.  I pray that all that read this have sisters and brothers like this who will, if need be, go to their knees in prayer for you.  If you don't... please contact me and I will pray for you and have my prayer warriors do the same.  Today was a reminder of just how powerful prayer is and how it works each time we call on Jesus.

Until last year I could not drag myself to attend church service on Mother's Day in fear that I'd fall apart.  It was as if that next step in my healing journey was too steep of a climb.  Sixteen years I stayed home on Mother's Day.  that's a long time.  Too paralyzed to want to go forward and knowing I didn't want to go back so I just remained where I was, stuck in a place where healing I thought couldn't find me.  If I could just hide out that one day a year then maybe I could just pretend the pain wasn't there the other 364 days.  But there's a thing about hiding, you eventually do want to be found.  There were times as a child while playing hide and seek that I actually would change my hiding place while I was"it" because it became lonely when no one else was around.    I wanted someone to see me, to call out my name and find me because I didn't want to be alone.  God didn't create us to journey alone and I thank him each day that he places people along side me.  I thank him that he has placed in my heart a desire to stand along side others as well and to pray with them and for them just as they do for me.

My heart and life forever changed on February 12, 1994 with the death of my son.  It again changed on January 23, 2008 with the loss of my mom.  Mother's Day would never be the same.  But I can't keep hiding away safe in the four walls of my home if I truly desire to stand alongside others and be a witness for Christ.  I have to be found even in moments of weakness so that others see the work the father is doing in me.  I am not perfect, I am not always strong but I know one who is perfect and who's strength carries us even on days that are difficult at best.  Today I win another battle because I came out of my hiding place with a blanket of prayer covering me and my heavenly father holding my hand ready to be found stronger than the year before.  Was it an easy day?  No it wasn't.  But I had moments to celebrate.  I had a church family embrace me, sisters praying for me and my family given to me by birth surprising me by coming and letting me know they were there... they all found me today so I could come out of my hiding place. 

Where are you hiding today?  God is seeking you, is it time to be found?  He is standing at the door of your heart knocking... do you hear the knock?  Can you allow him to release you from your hiding place to be free?  God is ready to dine with you if only you would hear his voice.  Let him in... the game of hide and seek is only fun when you eventually are found. 




Sunday, April 29, 2012

Restoration; 1 Peter 5:10

"The God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast."

Do you ever take a moment to reflect and see how far you've come and the obstacles you've overcome in this race we call life?  I ponder the things I've gone through and where I am today sometimes and I know that it was only by the strength that God provided me that I came through determined and more whole.  I must admit that there were moments that I questioned, "God, how did you pull me through that?", or an even greater question, "God, why did you pull me through that?" 

Do you ever question God as to why or how he did something in your life?  I use to think that I wasn't allowed to question God but I was reminded that I am human and though I may try not to question God or his sovereignty (unlimited power), I do.  And I really think it's OK for me to ask the questions that my mind just can't wrap itself around because afterall I am limited in my abilities to think beyond what I know and God is limitless because he is sovereign.  It's humbling for me to be reminded of who he is and who I am and that only he holds all my answers and can restore my life.

There have been times in my life that professionals have questioned whether I was going to live or if my time on this side of heaven was over.  It happened not long after my birth and it happened almost 20 years ago and honestly several times in between along the way.  Due to circumstances, situations and people placed in my life there were times that my existence was put to the test and God said, No... it's not time.  There was even a time when I prayed, "God let this be my time...I don't want to be here any longer."  I entered a very dark place called depression and although I never harmed myself I prayed each morning and night that God would show mercy and remove me from this temporary home.  Do you know how many people knew I was going through that at the time?  Yep, you guessed it... no one but my God.  He alone walked that journey with me and he restored my desire for life.  He reminded me that I have a purpose and that He had a plan for me to fulfill.  He also reminded me of the great love that he has for me.  In that storm of my life, God restored the broken little girl inside me and strengthened me, firmed up my belief and faith in him and caused a steadfast walk that I knew I'd never walk alone.

I can't say that I don't still have struggles but I do know who to turn to when the waves come crashing down on me and I feel like I just can't make it.  Do you know the master of your seas?  Do you know the maker of all things in a very real and personal way?  Do you rest in knowing that God has all the answers to the whys and hows and you need not be concerned about them?  Is it time that you allow God to restore pieces of your life in making you whole again?


Sunday, April 15, 2012

I think I can; Isaiah 40:29

"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."

Do you remember the story of the little engine that could?  I think most people that grew up in the states, grew up hearing this tale.  Do you realize the first publishing of this story was called, "Story of the Engine that Thought It Could", appearing in the New York Tribune, 8 April 1906, as part of a sermon by the Rev. Charles S. Wing.  A short story that has lasted throughout many lifetimes and adapted even by a Walt Disney's classic.  In the 1941 Disney movie "Dumbo" the work train taking the circus animals to their destination pulls its cargo up a hill repeating the well known saying "I-Think-I-Can-I-Think-I-Can" and rolls down the hill saying "I-Thought-I-Could-I-Thought-I-Could". 

We are often that work train aren't we?  We start our journey with full on enthusiasm and then we reach a hilltop that just seems so steep or an obstacle that seems too wide to get beyond and our story quickly changes from I think I can to I thought I could and just like that our journey ends, incomplete.  Why?  There are a number of scriptures in the word that focus on strength but I haven't found one that says quit, give up there is no hope.  Just the opposite, we are reminded time and time again that our strength comes for the Lord and in our weakness he restores our strength.  Do we really understand that?  Do we get what our father is trying to tell us?  He's telling us there is NOTHING impossible for him, nothing.  But somehow we want to try to rely on our own strength when we are broken, tired and weak.  He tells us in Isaiah that "he gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak"  When we are about to reach that mountain top and the incline seems more than our "little engine" can handle, GOD gives us strength and increases the power in our weakness.  Do you get that?  It's not by our strength that we accomplish anything, it's only through the divine strength that we are given and blessed with each day.

I know too many times I've pressed forward in a mission God has called me into only to find myself sliding backwards down the hill because I try to rely on MY understanding and MY strength and MY... fill in the blank.  I fail and I fail big when I do this.  God gently reminds me that it's not about me or what gifts or talents I have, it's about his calling on my life and the gifts he calls me to use at an appointed time.  Without the anointing of the holy spirit moving my little engine, I end up stuck on the track unable to move forward.  Philippians 4:13 tells us that "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."  Isaiah 41:10 tells us, "... I will strengthen you and help you...", Psalm 29:14 says, "The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace."  Exodus 15:2 says, "The Lord is my strength and my song..."  On and on the scriptures tell us of his strength and how we can walk boldly and with confidence because we are strengthen through Christ.

What condition is your "little engine" in today?  Are there tracks lying ahead that you fear, hesitant to jump onto because you don't feel you are equipped, ready for the journey?  Are you sliding back down that mountaintop or do you think you can...think you can....think you can through the strength and power afforded to you from God the father?  Is the Holy Spirit fueling your train bound for glory or are you trying to run on the fumes of this world leaving you stranded in the middle of the track?


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Change; Titus 3:1

"Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good."

How many of you find yourself being disobedient?  For some this thought may not have entered your mind in quite some time as we tend to focus on children when we think of being obedient or disobedient.  What we may fail to remember is that we are all children... of God.  I know there are times when I rebel and find that I'm disobedient when he calls me to change.  Change is not always comfortable, often it's quite the opposite and can be painful and we don't like to have to go through the pain to see the plan do we?

I thought this week God would lay on my heart to share about his son's resurrection and the passion of Christ but he laid the word change on my heart to share with each of you instead.  For those that know me personally, you know that last fall I was given a surplus notice that the position I hold is being eliminated.  It was hard to hear those words.  I was reminded by my supervisor that I wasn't being eliminated, simply my position.  But I thought to myself, my position is my whole purpose for being here.  Wrong answer.  How quick am I to forget that God has bigger plans that just some "job", some "position" I hold.  I am reminded to be ready to do whatever is good, change is good when it's God prompting it.  Some may not have seen it as a God directed change but I do. 

This past year God has blessed me and showed me such favor, nothing that I've deserved or earned but given to me because of my obedience.  I've seen favor in my personal life and throughout my career.  There have been jobs that I really wasn't qualified for, but God wanted me in that position for that season for a reason and he allowed me to learn what I needed to learn quickly.  I can look back now and see how either I grew or another grew because of God placing me where he did.  I've learned that my God really does open and shut doors. 

After the initial shock of learning my position was going to be gone within the year, I gained a sense of peace that honestly I was a little surprised by.  That's trust coming into action... I turned it over and let God take it from there and he did.  He really did.  Not only did he find me another position, he gave me options.  When does that happen?  Who does that happen to?  To me, to you, to his children when his children are obedient and subject to rulers and authorities placed over them.  I'd rather follow God's plan than the plans of man any day.  No man (or woman) can create for us a plan that God doesn't approve first.  Personnel didn't find me another position without God first giving his approval of where he needed and wanted me to be.  That's how I know and find peace when the world around me changes, I  know there is nothing and no one greater than my Abba Father.  Psalm 84:11 says, "For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless."  We have favor and honor and walk blameless because the son of God already paid the price.

What change is God asking you to make lately?  Career?  Relationships?  Physical location?  Church family?  Perhaps he's even asking you to change your thinking, your actions or reactions.  Whatever change God is asking you to make, trust him.  Our God has already been to all of our tomorrows, with that we should fear no change.



Saturday, March 17, 2012

Reflection; Psalm 23:1-3

"The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.  He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.  He renews my strength.  He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name."

How many of us have read the 23rd Psalm?  My guess is that it was for many some of the first scriptures remembered and recited in a children's Sunday school class.  Each time I hear a sermon preached on this passage, I always seem to understand it a little more clearly.  One morning this week as I was settling into my work day, I decided that I just didn't want to be there (I know it's work, when do I ever really WANT to be there) so I filled out a leave slip, placed it on my team lead's desk and after lunch took the afternoon off.

It was a beautiful day, especially for a day in March in Ohio.  We don't often have many sun-filled days this time of year instead the days can be quite gloomy with gray clouds and skies and little in the way of color as the landscape is still resting from it's winter nap.  But this year it's been different and we may all be suffering a tad from spring fever.  I know I certainly have it bad!  The afternoon I chose to take off was absolutely gorgeous.  The sun was bright and high in the sky, not a cloud to be found, perfect day to be outside.  I went home, got a leash and a dog and headed to a little nature reserve that we have not too far from our home and took a short hike through the woods along the river.

At first I simply enjoyed the warmth of the afternoon and watched as the rays of sun sparkled across the water, it was as if there were millions of diamonds in the water just reflecting the brilliance of the sun.  Then I began to notice the path itself and how clear it was.  It wasn't the same path that I had walked along so many times.  No this time it was different.  It was obvious that the path had been cleared of fallen trees and debris that I had seen just this past fall when I last hiked through there.  The high weeds and little saplings hadn't had a chance yet to take root and grow blocking the view to the river to one side and the hilly incline to the other.  It was as if I was on a path I had never taken before... fresh, new and ready to be explored.  It's exactly 1.25 miles along the river path to the big meadow the trail dumps into at the end.  Often my husband and I have taken the dogs for a walk and stayed a while in the meadow just enjoying the peace and solitude that it offers.

It was during my walk that God began to speak to my heart the words from Psalm 23.  He leads me beside peaceful streams, renewing my strength.  He lets me rest in green meadows.  He guides me along right paths.  All of these words began to flood my spirit.  Sometimes I simply need to rest for a moment to see God's reflection in all that he has created. It's in nature that I often feel his holy spirit breathing over me and giving me a sense of renewal in my spirit. It was in my reflection time on how the path had changed, how often my own path in life has changed.  The debris of life gets cleaned up as someone comes along to help remove the obstacles that prevent me from moving forward along the path.  It's often during the storms of life that God is able to come along and change the course of my path to allow fresh living waters to flood it so that I can see more clearly the path that he is creating for me.

As Kylee and I continued on our walk we were able to see God's word in action.  I stopped several times to watch nature come alive along that little river.  Birds were singing and dancing in the sunbeams.  Geese were playing games and honking loudly enjoying the waters.  An otter ran along the shoreline and in a cannonball like fashion would jump into the water and then back out onto the shore to do it all again and again.  People were walking their dogs, with their children and some simply were walking alone.  God sometimes changes our path just so we can have an afternoon of surprise and amazement of the beauty that surrounds us in life and stop to appreciate it.  He gives us moments to reflect and just be still long enough to see Him at work in our lives.

That afternoon God brought to life the words of Psalm 23 for me and reminded me that my life, my journey, the path that I'm on is all designed and created to bring my God glory and honor.  I can't wait to go back onto the path and see how it differs yet again after another spring storm or as the canopy of the trees changes with new life.  The path we walk along may change, twist or turn but it's not without purpose and plan by the one who created us and gives us hope and a future.

Have you read the living word lately?  Have you seen it come alive in your life, along your path and have you invited God to walk a while with you sharing in the beauty he gave you?  Are you so busy "working" you fail to see the new path God has created for you that he already cleared to make life a bit easier?  Take a moment, breathe and look around you.  God is ready to lead you by the still waters, to refresh your soul.



Monday, February 27, 2012

You Lift Me Up; 1 Thessalonians 5:11

"Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."

There have been times that I wasn't sure how I was going to get through a difficult situation.  Most of my friends would tell me to pray about the difficulty and that they would pray with me and for me as well.  Sometimes those friends would simply give me an answer there on the spot with it often not being the answer that I wanted to hear.  Have you ever heard advice you'd rather not hear or worse yet, hear your own words uttered back to you from past conversations?  It stings a little doesn't it?  But each of those responses were necessary and each a form of encouragement to lift me up out of the situation and into the direction I needed to travel however hard the journey would be.  Those same friends would not just leave me alone to fight the battle, but they stood in the gap and prayed for me even on days when I couldn't pray for myself.  Those are my encouragers and my dearest friends.  They don't always tell me what I want to hear but they tell me what I need to hear to move on.  I have been resistant at times to listen to what one of them would share with me, sometimes even hurt by what was said because what I wanted to hear at the moment was the "perfect" easy fix instead of a word from God on how to grow through the hard times.  Ouch.

There are other times that the shoe is on the other foot so to speak as well.  I've been the one to listen to a friend and what I mean by listen is that I really sit there, ears open and mouth shut hearing what my brother/sister in Christ is going through.  Some days I have no answers but am always ready to pray with them and for them to be the one standing in the gap for them.  Other days I'm the one that gives the words that sting a little.  I can always tell when a friend is secretly saying inside, "Heather, that is not what I wanted you to say."  To be honest if I were going through their situation and was having to hear the words coming out of my heart (notice I didn't say mouth) I would be saying the same thing. 

The difference between lifting a friend up and defeating their spirit is the communication that is shared between the two of you or perhaps even a small group.  When the words spoken are coming from the heart and not simply the tongue they are coming from the Holy Spirit within the person which will breathe new life over that person and will lift them up through their deepest darkest places and begin them on a journey of restoration.  Our journeys are not always easy, we could probably agree that most times they are a bit of a struggle but God gives us one another to encourage, to lift up and to be a friend who will stand in the gap when we are finding it difficult to cross through it ourselves.

A true friend may not give you all the answers that you seek, they may not have them.  Maybe the answers they do have for you aren't the ones you are ready to hear because of the pain or indecision in your heart.  But a true friend, the ones who desire to lift you up will be there to hold onto you, sometimes physically, but all the time prayerfully to see you through to the otherside of your battle.  They are there to cheer you on, to cry out to the Father and to watch and perhaps learn as you grow.

I've heard time and time again that to have a friend you need to be a friend.  hmmm, I don't know if I agree with that old saying.  Sometimes I think we need to be a friend even when the other isn't much of a friend because maybe that is their battle and you need to stand in the gap and be that friend that helps them understand what a friend is.  I don't say that for anyone to be a whipping post or to be burdened down by someone who can't seem to learn from past mistakes but we all had to learn what a friend was somehow, someway, right?

I'm thankful that God knew we'd need relationships/friendships to lift one another up.  He knew that sometimes we'd need someone to come to the right and left of us and help us along our journey and that sometimes we'd be that one to the right or left of another.  He gave us one another.  Love thy neighbor is what his word says.  The paths we walk are not always clear of hardships but it's so much easier to walk it with someone than to try it alone.  God is always there for us and I'm sure someone would argue that he is all that anyone needs.  Perhaps there is some truth to that, but God created us one for another in human flesh to encourage and cheer each other on.

Who today needs lifted up?  Who do you turn to when you need encouraged?  Are you willing to listen to the words that come from a friend's heart even when they may sting a little or would you rather stay in the mud puddles of life and be brought down further and further into the pain?  Are you one who'd rather have an easy solution or a healing solution for a life-lifting change?


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Resilient; Isaiah 40:29

"He Gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."

This past week at work we were required to take resiliency training.  At first I was like many and didn't want to "have to" sit through yet another training session that didn't interest me.  We were fortunate because the training wasn't too painful and infact, the instructor made it interactive and the time went quickly.  What also made the training interesting was the fact that I was able to learn a bit more about those around me, you know the people you spend most of your days with and yet know so little about... yah those people.

The instructor kicked off the training by having us take a little test (no grades, no right/wrong answers) and then scored up our points at the end as an indication as to how resilient we'd rate ourselves based on the questions.  My score came back fairly high.  As the instructor asked each of us why we thought our score landed one way or another she came to me and I responded that I'd already been through the worst thing in life I could imagine so anything else wouldn't compare.  I then added my faith is strong as well and that helps me.  Now as I've had time to reflect on that question, my answer is more than I earlier responded.  What I said was true, but it's more than just that.  I missed my witnessing opportunity.  Yes, I said my faith but it's more than just faith.  God said in his word, "He gives strength to the weary..."  that is why I can say I am resilient.  God further says, "...and increases the power of the weak."  I've overcome one of the greatest tragedies of my life because God gave me strength and continues to increase that strength when I'm at my weakest points.

So often I've heard people say that there are certain things in life they just couldn't handle or that they'd not survive.  I'm here to proclaim... you'd be amazed at how strong you can be, not within yourself but through Christ.  Our Savior endured more than we can imagine, suffered more than we'd want to ever know. Before the guards came to take Jesus in Matthew 26:39, "Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”  Just for that moment, a split second, as a man in flesh and bone, I believe Jesus may have thought maybe he just couldn't handle what he was about to face either.  Can you imagine how he felt at that very moment?  He knew he wouldn't survive, he knew his fate if he would save man from himself but he faced it, walked it, lived it and although died here on earth... he still endured, he still finished the good work he began here.

When I lost my son, I honestly didn't think that I'd survive.  I had no idea how strong God would make me and how by spending 3 1/2 years with a life that was bigger and brighter than any one life I've ever known before or since I'd forever be changed, strengthened, encouraged, and determined to face whatever life had to throw my way because I was shown just what I was made of, and just how strong my God is.  People are right, we can't survive situations or events, but we can overcome them through the strength and power that God gives us to bounce back from them.

I'm sure you have heard many people say that God never gives you more than you can handle and I'm sure many of you have said, really, I'm not sure about that at this point in my life with what I'm going through.  Yet, we press on through the struggle and find that when we take it a moment at a time and get past that moment when we ask for the "cup to pass from us" we find that we begin to be strengthened and that God begins to increase our power to overcome and be a witness for him.  It's through our struggles, our hardships that we grow and become more compassionate, loving people.  It's that way in all things in nature.  Think of the beautiful butterfly, what a struggle to come out of that cocoon but when it finally does look at how beautiful it is when it takes flight and dances in the sunbeams around the flowers drawing in life sustaining nectar.  We are like those butterflies, struggling to come through a "cocoon" but when we do.... oh so beautiful dancing in the sOnbeams of this life.

How resilient are you?  Do you count on your own strength when facing the battles of this life or do you turn to the one who created you and proclaimed that you would have the strength to take to make it?  Casting Crowns sings a song that sums it up in a few short lyrics, "You were made to be Courageous".  Your resiliency comes from the father who is always with you, who never forsakes you and who will never leave you.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

At His Feet; Luke 10:41-42

41“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

I don't know about you but when I first read this passage or maybe it was the 100th time, it ticked me off.  I couldn't understand why Jesus would talk with Martha in the manner that he did when all she was wanting to do was make her guests at home and welcome the savior warmly.  Obviously I'm a Martha.  Then it hit me... that was her role and yet she was upset with Mary because Mary's role wasn't the same.  I think we do this a lot more than we realize in life.  We find ourselves busy doing works that we don't recognize when Jesus says sometimes "choose what is better" come sit with me a while, lean back against me and just breathe me in.  Just breathe.... listen.... spend a little time with me. 

I had to recognize that there is a time for my hands to be busy, my feet to be moving, my heart to be loving and then there are times when I simply need to be at his feet.  We seem to think that we run on batteries like the energizer bunny and just keep going and going until finally we just can't beat that little drum any longer and we wonder why we feel such dispare and our bodies tired and often become ill.  No one can run at full speed all the time without rest.  Even God on the 7th day took a day of rest so why do we think we can keep going and never slow down?

Aside from the rest that our bodies and minds need is a chance to have our souls fed by the one who designed us with the sole purpose of having a relationship with us.  He so wants to just have us at his feet so that he can restore us and teach us about his love and grace.  When have you ever been in a relationship that required no time with you, no communication...nothing?  Hmmmm, I can't recall of one and my guess is that you can't either.  I can also say that anytime that a relationship hasn't been nurtured that it often has fallen apart and the relationship ends.  I am so thankful that God our Father never gives up on a relationship with me, nor you.  He continues to woo us and pursue us and even hung the stars and the moon for us.  At Christmas I quoted from one of my favorite movies, "It's a Wonderful Life".  Remember in the movie George asks Mary (how appropriate her name is Mary) if she wants the moon because he'd tied a laso around it and give it to her?  That's what our Heavenly Daddy does when we sit at his feet.  He ties a rope around the moon and gives it to us to brighten our darkest nights all because he loved us from the moment he created us and all he wants in return is for us to sit at his feet and spend time with him.

There is certainly a time and place to be Martha too.  Her value, our value, in our service and hospitality to one another is invaluable and is rewarded.  But that is for another time, another blog.

God is calling you to sit a while at his feet.  Can you put all your busy stuff down for a moment and just sit with him?  Can you lay back against him and breathe?  For the next few moments, listen to this song.... close your eyes and sit at his feet.  

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Second Chance; Philippians 4:13

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Happy New Year!

With the onset of the new year I'm sure that many will make resolutions to make changes in their lives that will cause either positive change or frustration.  Which one are you?  Several years back I decided that making resolutions at New Year's led often to disappointment in me and made me feel like I failed once again.  So my resolution was to never make one again, that seems to work for me. 

I don't think there is anything at all wrong with making resolutions, it's just the opposite,  but I know for me how it turns out... a big fail!  Then I beat myself up and end up feeling more depressed and spiraling out of control in just the opposite direction.  Why is that?  Maybe because I'm putting all my faith in my resolve and not in the one who created me?  That's what I believe at least.  Mark 10:27 tells us that all things are possible through who?  Through ourselves, no... through God.  So why do I keep making resolutions counting on myself to improve something within me when it's Christ who strengthens me?  Where does my strength come from?  Where does my help come from?  It's all through Christ, but yet I continued year after year thinking that I could make a resolution and correct something within myself by myself.  Me Me Me...

Who Am I that I think that I have all this power when the previous year it was the very problem that I was vowing to resolve for the next year!  Wait, I know... A child of the most high God that's who I am!  True my strength comes from the Lord, but if I instead begin to pray and seek Him about something that needs "fixed" in me instead of trying to fix it myself on my own then my chances of achieving my goal, achieving my resolution is greater because He who is within me is greater right??  Now you're getting.... so am I.  In all things Pray, even at the turn of the year when you see something about yourself, within yourself that needs improvement or change.  God hears our pleas, our prayers, and He will help see you through to your goals and resolutions.  He never fails, He never disappoints and He always is a God of second chances.

This year I want to publicly announce (so you all can hold me accountable) that I choose to allow Christ to strengthen me in my battle against my body.  I know that I can't do it alone, I've tried and I've failed.  As I began thinking yet again that I was entering a year not content with my weight I realized that for me to achieve a healthier weight goal, I need to turn that over to the one who has better resolve and willpower than I can ever hope to have.  It is through Him alone that I will find my strength and not myself.  It is God alone who will change my mindset and my ideals about the temple that God has given me to use for His glory.  He created me to be a temple holy and acceptable to Him.  This year I turn it over to Him to make it so.  Does that mean I get to sit on my backside?  You know the answer to that.... God expects us to do our part, but I need Him to encourage me and challenge me to be better, healthier and wiser about my health.

Today I ask you not to make a resolution but to make a determination that whatever needs "tweaked", "improved" or just "maintained" in your life that you simply turn it over to Him, ask Him for wisdom, guidance and that staying power. 

What are you needing resolved in life today?  What second chance do you need this year to improve the person that you are to be as a reflection of who He is to others?  It's not about being perfect or attaining perfection, it's about being the one He called you to be.  Are you completely that person today?
