Thursday, January 5, 2012

Second Chance; Philippians 4:13

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Happy New Year!

With the onset of the new year I'm sure that many will make resolutions to make changes in their lives that will cause either positive change or frustration.  Which one are you?  Several years back I decided that making resolutions at New Year's led often to disappointment in me and made me feel like I failed once again.  So my resolution was to never make one again, that seems to work for me. 

I don't think there is anything at all wrong with making resolutions, it's just the opposite,  but I know for me how it turns out... a big fail!  Then I beat myself up and end up feeling more depressed and spiraling out of control in just the opposite direction.  Why is that?  Maybe because I'm putting all my faith in my resolve and not in the one who created me?  That's what I believe at least.  Mark 10:27 tells us that all things are possible through who?  Through ourselves, no... through God.  So why do I keep making resolutions counting on myself to improve something within me when it's Christ who strengthens me?  Where does my strength come from?  Where does my help come from?  It's all through Christ, but yet I continued year after year thinking that I could make a resolution and correct something within myself by myself.  Me Me Me...

Who Am I that I think that I have all this power when the previous year it was the very problem that I was vowing to resolve for the next year!  Wait, I know... A child of the most high God that's who I am!  True my strength comes from the Lord, but if I instead begin to pray and seek Him about something that needs "fixed" in me instead of trying to fix it myself on my own then my chances of achieving my goal, achieving my resolution is greater because He who is within me is greater right??  Now you're getting.... so am I.  In all things Pray, even at the turn of the year when you see something about yourself, within yourself that needs improvement or change.  God hears our pleas, our prayers, and He will help see you through to your goals and resolutions.  He never fails, He never disappoints and He always is a God of second chances.

This year I want to publicly announce (so you all can hold me accountable) that I choose to allow Christ to strengthen me in my battle against my body.  I know that I can't do it alone, I've tried and I've failed.  As I began thinking yet again that I was entering a year not content with my weight I realized that for me to achieve a healthier weight goal, I need to turn that over to the one who has better resolve and willpower than I can ever hope to have.  It is through Him alone that I will find my strength and not myself.  It is God alone who will change my mindset and my ideals about the temple that God has given me to use for His glory.  He created me to be a temple holy and acceptable to Him.  This year I turn it over to Him to make it so.  Does that mean I get to sit on my backside?  You know the answer to that.... God expects us to do our part, but I need Him to encourage me and challenge me to be better, healthier and wiser about my health.

Today I ask you not to make a resolution but to make a determination that whatever needs "tweaked", "improved" or just "maintained" in your life that you simply turn it over to Him, ask Him for wisdom, guidance and that staying power. 

What are you needing resolved in life today?  What second chance do you need this year to improve the person that you are to be as a reflection of who He is to others?  It's not about being perfect or attaining perfection, it's about being the one He called you to be.  Are you completely that person today?
