Sunday, November 16, 2014

Change Management; Romans 12:2

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will."

Change... anyone out there actually like that word or what that means when it comes to your life?  I know that for most including myself, change is HARD!!  This weekend I have spent much time walking down memory lane as we had to say good-bye to a long time friend, our precious Shepherd mix, Sheena.  Some will never understand my love of dogs or how attached I get to them, but I, from the depths of my heart, will never understand someone who doesn't attach to one of the most loyal devoted and loving creatures on this earth.  I believe God knew we humans wouldn't get it right so he went searching for a being that would love like he does, who doesn't hold grudges or the past against another, but loves deeply and shows it as each moment is new and all is forgiven.  He found dogs and well the rest is history.  My dogs have seen me at my worst and at my best and it really didn't matter to them which I was, I simply needed to be breathing and they were going to be loving on me and teaching me lesson after lesson about the heart of Christ.  Stop shaking your head, non-dog loving people!  Some of you know exactly what I am talking about.

The word in Romans tells us to not conform but be transformed and renewed in our minds.  Why is that so important?  Why is change so important when it is often the most difficult thing to do?  Can you imagine seriously if you never changed in life?  Can you think of your earliest memory and to have remained there unchanged for all your life?  What a disaster!  Change often is the very thing that makes us grow as people, it makes us stronger and better equipped at being there for other people.  Although change is difficult, it is necessary. 

God has called us each by name and with that he has designed a purpose and a plan over our life.  Some have a road less bumpy and yet others, their road is often filled with potholes, hills and sometimes extremely sharp curves.  That is where often I find friends and people around me complaining that life isn't fair and why should they have to endure certain trials or tragedies when so and so seems to have it so easy.  I probably have complained in this same way at some point in my life but I've learned through my trials and struggles I have found new strengths inside.  I have been tested and tried and in the end I have found the will of God working in my life, teaching me on how to become a better friend, a better mentor or a better family member.  I could sit down and complain and grumble about the things happening in my life or I can understand that through change, through the struggle of whatever I am facing, I can become what God has called me to be and in that find peace.

This weekend was hard.  I didn't want to have to say good-bye to a companion who has stuck by me for 13 years wagging her tail and getting excited just because I woke up and looked her way.  She didn't care if I woke with my hair a mess or my breath offensive, she just cared that she saw me and I saw her and to her that was enough.  When are we going to get that we have enough?  When are we going to get that even in our trials and changes, we can find joy in knowing that we are on a journey that God himself placed us on?  Jesus went to the cross... how about that for a really bad day?

Right now I have some struggles going on, its difficult because I know my life is changing and you know what, it really does suck!  Yes, I just wrote that and God really knows that is how I feel so I am going to leave it there and whoever doesn't like it, well... God bless your heart anyway.  I am being as real as I can be with anyone who is reading this because change is Biblical and it is necessary for you to grow.  Endure for a while my friend, because God is working out something in your life towards a specific goal, his will, his PERFECT will for you.  I can tell you this, no matter how difficult the storm, I do know that he knows better than I in working out the details of my life including the change.  He has perfected Change Management even if industry today thinks they made that process up. 

What areas of your life is God wanting to change, to transform?  Where is he asking you to go or better yet to let go of so that you can be in his perfect will?  Is it time for a little change management in your life?

Under His Wings,

Dedicated to the Loving Memory of
Sheena Christoff
Well done good and faithful friend, your race has been run, time to rest.