Saturday, July 23, 2011

Baggage; Psalm 139:13-14

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

In my last blog I wrote on being called.  In the weeks that have passed since writing that blog it's been quite apparent that God is continuing to remind me that we are all given gifts and talents to serve a purpose and to fulfill his plan.  Working within our giftings from our father serves the needs of those around us and for ourselves.  Until I began writing this blog I had no idea why God called me to write until he revealed to me, I have a gift of encouragement.  That's what this blog has always been about, encouragement of others in their faith journey as well as often times an encouragement to me to keep going and trust in the Lord in all things.

Too often I've allowed the baggage of life to rob me of serving in the capacity I've been called.  I can find a million excuses as to why I can't do something and sometimes find it hard to find one single reason to do it.  The only reason I need to do it is because Abba Father asked me to.  It's not out of total disobedience that I resist the call, but many times a feeling of inadequacy... that I simply can not do what he's asked.  Sometimes it's because I feel I'm not smart enough, sometimes a feeling of I'm not good enough and sometimes a feeling of no one could possibly want or need what I have to offer.  Do you ever feel that way?  That God picked the wrong person?  How could he possibly choose me for this task or bless me with this gift that could serve him in such a way? 

There's where that word baggage comes into play.  We drag this big old bag of "stuff" with us wherever we go of things from our yesterdays.  Perhaps it was a parent that said, you can't do that.  Maybe it was a teacher that said, you just aren't very bright.  Maybe it was a classmate, a peer, or a "friend" who reminds you, "remember how awful you use to be, how awful you were just a few moments ago?"  We keep lugging that baggage around allowing it to stop us from being the called women and men of God that we are.  The enemy loves our baggage.  He uses it against us every moment he can, it's his greatest tool to use against us because it's something we seem to want to hold on to tighter than we do our relationship with Christ.  You may be shaking your head right now and saying, "no I don't".  If that's the case, then what's stopping you from being all God has called you to be?  What is stopping you from serving with your whole heart?  What is preventing you from giving your all to Christ?  Let it go... we all must let it go to walk in the way God has called us to walk.  I am so guilty of picking up my baggage and throwing it into the mix of the day.  The Holy Spirit will reveal in my spirit that I'm doing it and remind me, "Heather do you know who you are and even greater do you know who you belong to?  Your Father is the King of Kings!"  There is nothing that we can't do through Christ, nothing.  If he has called you, then he will equip you.  It's time to toss the baggage of the past into that great sea of forgetfulness and take your place in the body of Christ.

What baggage are you holding onto that is stopping you from fulfilling your role and using the gifts and talents that God has given you?  What baggage do you need to let go of once and for all so that you can be a great lamp standing on a hill?  You've been called, you are fearfully and wonderfully made... when will you choose to hold onto the promises of God tighter than the baggage of the yesterdays?  Is today the day? 
