"Teach me, and I will be quiet; show me where I have been wrong."
The holidays are behind us along with the rush of all the things that we find ourselves trying to accomplish to make it the "perfect holiday" for our family and friends. This year seemed to be exceptionally busy even to the point that for the first time ever, I did not decorate a tree or bake holiday treats in usual fashion or do any of what are my own personal traditions for Christmas. The season seem to have happened so quickly and before I knew it... it was over. What happened? Ahh yes... I tried to plan 60 days worth of "stuff" into a 31 day window! Anyone else ever guilty of that? When will this lady learn? Maybe this will be the year.
While contemplating what 2014 will bring and how I will approach it and of course how I will fill up that mighty calendar, I sat for a moment and realized how the entire 2013 year flew by and just how many people, who truly are important to me, I never saw... not even one time. It's in that moment as the 2013 wrap up happened in my mind, I made it a resolution to slow down and breathe! Yes, yes... I've said it many times but this time it was different and I know that if I don't, I'm going to miss out on some of the greatest blessings of my life... spending time with those that I love. This was a year that our family and some of our closest friends lost too many loved ones. When I reflect on how I spent my time, did I let those that are no longer with us know how much I cared or was I too busy filling up my calendar trying to be superwoman in a world where I can't possibly do all that I setout to do? Although much of what I spent time doing were good things, it doesn't replace what is most precious to me and that is spending time, quality time, with those important in my life. I was reminded in those few quiet moments that I need to rearrange my priorities and get my act together as none of us are promised the next breath. It's time for me to breathe, to be quiet... I'm seeing where I have been wrong.
What a major undertaking this will be for me and my "Martha spirit". Oh how I envy sometimes my friends with "Mary spirits". But I know that my spirit is exactly as God designed it and I will continue to serve and to be the hands and feet of Christ to those who need me the most but only where God actually leads me and not necessarily every place I'm called by others. The ministry that I've been blessed to lead has a full schedule planned for this year but already as I sat to create it, I was reminded to place more time in it for fun times, times to just enjoy being sisters.
There is much to do, many hurting people, so many disasters that have occurred that have left others broken and in need. We are to be helpers in this world to our fellow man, but we also need to recharge so that we can continue and not run on empty. We all have to find that balance, tune our ears towards heaven and breathe. If you find me a little quiet throughout this year, don't worry... that's a good thing! It just means I'm being still for a recharge so that I can continue to do the work God has called me to do.
When is the last time you quieted the world around you and breathed? Maybe you are just the opposite and need to step up and do more so that the "Marthas" around you can breathe for a moment. What is it that you need to be still for and shown where you have been wrong?
Under His Wings,