Monday, January 28, 2013

Something to get excited about; John 4:23-24

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

You have to pardon me for just a moment as I have chills from immediate affirmation!  Praise God!!  I have felt a tugging on my heart all day to sit down this evening and write on this blog but wasn't sure what the blog was going to be about.  The Holy Spirit often waits for me to quiet myself to give me the words he'd have me share with you.  I came to the computer and got some of my resources out and I found John 4:23-24 and instantly I thought, this is it!!  And then, I go to my favorite source online to look at some parallel translations and what is the scripture of the day... John 4:24!  SCORE! 

How appropriate of a scripture at this time when so many are focused on the "big game" coming up.   Football pools and parties are being planned even as I type this.  How I long to see that excitement in the body of believers over a far greater "big game", the one most refer to as life.  More importantly that we'd all be the best cheerleaders we could be praising and shouting, dancing and clapping for a Savior who came to do much more than win a game but to win our souls for eternity.  I don't know about you, but I can get far more excited about my Jesus and about all he has done for me than I can for anything else in this world.  Don't misunderstand, I love watching a good game and if I had a team in this Superbowl you can bet I'd be pretty happy.  That's all fine and good, but how can I, a daughter of the King, get more excited and show more enthusiasm about something so temporary as a night of football than I can about eternity and the one who made it possible for me to have that?

The scripture says, "...has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks."  I pray that I'm a worshiper that is pleasing to the Father.  We were made to worship God, not this world, and yet we do it over and over again with misplaced priorities.  There is nothing more praise worthy than our God.  There is nothing here on this earth I hold more valuable than my relationship with Jesus Christ.  And there is nothing more powerful than the spirit welling up in my soul shouting out Thank You God!  Thank You!  Thank you for never giving up on me.  Thank you for loving me even when I'm my most unlovable.  Thank you for desiring to spend time with me.  Thank you for bringing others alongside me who support me, who care about me and who are simply there whenever I need them.  Thank You!  Thank You! 

My prayer is that I never place any thing, any relationship or my own life above God.  Everything I am and everything I have came from God and its in his hands that I return them.  One of the hardest days of my life was the day that I turned over my son and placed him in God's hands to take home.  That's what I'm talking about... that's what I hope you get.  Worship God with all your being and hold nothing back, even the most precious parts... give him all as he has given you and praise him for the mighty blessings. 

How have you worshiped your God today?  Have you shown him that he is everything or have you placed him low on your priority list?  Are you more interested in preparing for the "big game" or are you set on a greater victory already won through Christ Jesus?  Worship him, believers, worship him.  Be the kind of worshipper that he seeks.

Under His Wings,
