"We love because he first loved us.".
With the recent "holiday" of Valentine's Day, this topic has been on my mind. For some its a day of romance and new possibilities with that special someone and for others it can be a day that reminds them that the special person they long for is still missing. Still for others it may be a time to reflect on what was or what is yet to come. There are even a few of you out there that simply say, HEY its a greeting card holiday and nothing more. I've seen all the posts on Facebook, speaking of love and the lack there of as well as heartache and loneliness. Whatever the feeling for the day, the good news... it's Valentine's Day every day when you walk in the love of Christ.
I recently heard the story of how Valentine's Day all got started but I must say that I strongly disagree. Our purpose for existing was born out of love, the first Valentine's Day. Then skip ahead to a manger in a little town where a baby was born. There the son of God, given as a gift to the world, was born again as love. Love was around before the world was created, before there was a star in the sky... there was love, agape love. A love that has no bounds, no strings and is completely unconditional and cannot be lost. How wonderful is it to know that we are never without love?
When I got married we had my Aunt read from 1 Corinthians 13. This is often referred to as the "love" chapter, it is a beautifully written chapter but the entire Bible is a book dripping with love from the Father. We have our Bibles because of how much He loves us. He didn't have to give us an instructional book, he didn't have to remind us of the history that brought us to the present day but He did. He keeps giving and giving and giving all because He loves us. David Crowder sings a song that I absolutely love, "How He Loves". Please listen to the words in this video, reflect on them and worship in His presence. Our God just wants us to be in love with Him, to be part of the greatest love story ever written. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWgeUrD4MHI
Do you know how greatly you are loved today? Oh How He Loves Us.