"My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."
Meeting needs means different things to different people. But for me getting my needs met reflect around the basics of not just physical needs, but my emotional, intellectual as well as my spiritual needs to help me stay in balance. When one of these needs is a little off, I find that I'm a little off in dealing with life or even with people. God shares with us that He will meet all of our needs, sometimes we just forget to stop and ask Him. Our Father wants to hear from us, He wants to know that we are aware of ourselves and the work He's doing in us. When we become aware of ourselves we will know when we are a little off in one particular area and we can begin praying that God show us what is lacking or what it is that we need to be doing to restore the balance in our life again. This life is not easy, He never promised it would be but He did promise life everlasting. We just need to continue to ask for direction, ask for our needs to be met according to His riches in glory. He afterall is a loving Father and wants His children happy and whole, blessed and filled with great joy.
What needs today do you need met? Have you asked Him to meet you where you are today and take care of your need(s)?