Monday, November 29, 2010

Eternal Life, John 10:27-28

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.  I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand."

Today I thought often about my loved ones who won't be with us during the holidays. I can choose to be saddened for a moment but rejoice in knowing that they have already entered into Eternal life.  The good news for those who believe is that one day we'll have a great reunion where we'll never part again.  The turn of the seasons sometimes are a little harder on me.  Perhaps they remind me that life here goes on.  I've chosen lately to focus on the beauty that each season offers.  I am reminded of the laughter of my loved one in the cool spring air.  I can see their smiles in the sunshine of the summer.  The fall with the changing color of the leaves demonstrates how the passing from this life can leave its mark behind as a beautiful reminder of the life once had here with us.  And the winter, a time of drawing people together on cold snowy nights warming by the fire.  How often is the death of a loved one done just this?  Drawn all that love for that bright "fire" together, setting off embers of memories of a life that touched us and made a difference.

I don't ever tell anyone I understand their pain.  We may be able to relate, may have gone through a similar loss, but we never really understand the depth of someone's loss.  I'm comforted to know that God knows my pain, He experienced loss and He allows me to hear His voice of reassurance that I have eternal life with Him and with my loved ones beyond this world.

What is God reminding you of right now?  Are you allowing Him to comfort you? Are you dwelling on the loss and grief allowing it to rob you of this life, this fleeting moment in time, where you are building your own fire to spark in others love, friendships and memories?  Or are you seeing the beauty in each season resting in knowing that one day you will have eternal life with Christ and those you love?


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Commitment, I Kings 8:61

"And may your hearts be fully committed to the LORD our God, to live by his decrees and obey his commands, as at this time.”

This week I thought God would be leading me towards being thankful and although I am thankful for so many blessings what He's laid on my heart is that of commitment.  In all things that we are called to do, we are to be totally and fully committed to them.  This may be in service, in work, and most importantly in our relationships with others and with Christ.

Times are not easy for many right now and along with growing stressors come relational issues where we want to simply give up.  It's easier to give up than to hang in there and really stand strong in the things that come against us and try to tear us apart.  Too quickly we are willing to just throw in the towel and say the person or the situation isn't worth the effort.  Wow, am I thankful that God isn't so weak.  He never gives up on us and is completely committed to walking this life with us even when sometimes we want to say we're done, this is too hard.  How many times have we said in our relationships, I just can't do this it's too difficult?  Did God promise you that life would be easy if you accepted Him?  No, He said His burden was light but He didn't say it was easy.  What in life that you've ended up cherishing has been easy?  I can't really think of a single thing, even bringing in new life through birth is hard, it's painful but oh so beautiful.  I don't know of a single mother who would think the pain wasn't worth seeing their beautiful new life in their arms. 

God sees the struggles, He sees the heartaches and He knows your desires.  He can see you through, He can strengthen relationships that you think cannot possibly sustain the latest tragedy or misunderstanding.  He doesn't give up, He is committed to you.  The God who created the Heavens, who created the beautiful sunsets and all the beautiful tapestries of this life is fully committed to all of us.  He NEVER gives up, even during our times when we feel we just can't anymore.

Where are you in your journey?  Have you given up hope?  Have you been lacking in your commitment to activities, prayer time, relationships or perhaps even to yourself and your well being?  As Christians we are called to be Christ like, to be Christ followers, to be His hands and His feet in this world.  All of that requires our full commitment.  If you are feeling weak, remember where your source of strength comes from.  Don't give up, our God never will.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Favored, Luke 1:28

"The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”

This scripture is about Mary, the mother of Christ.  But if we sincerely look at our lives, the angels could be saying the same thing about us.  We are a highly favored people.  God tells us in His word that He will never leave us or foresake us that our hope is secure in Him.  Talk about favor.  We are reminded again and again not to worry, not to be anxious in ANYTHING and why, because we ARE highly favored by the King of Kings, our Heavenly Father.  We stumble so often, we fail, we get a little off track and well let's face it, sometimes we get a lot off track but what does our Daddy do... He comes running to us, arms open wide because we are His beloved favored children.

There have been many times in my life where I thought, now you've done it Heather, you reall have messed up now and God just won't forgive this mistake.  I begin praying and immediately the enemy starts with his taunts and says, nope, this sin is just too big to be forgiven.  But what does the word tell us, our sins are as far as the east is from the west.  If that doesn't give us cause for celebration I don't know what does. 

I can fail over and over and you can stumble and fall, but all we have to do is come back to our God with a repentent heart and because of His favor, we are forgiven and set free from the bondages of sin.  How incredible is that?  How reassuring and comforting to know that this world may turn against us, our loved ones here may give up on us and say hurtful things because we fail, but our God who never has failed simply says, what sin my favorite child, my beloved.  Have you ever really thought about it?  YOU are the most precious being in God's eyes, you matter. 

Have you forgotten that you already have found favor through the bloodshed of Christ?  Are you still trying to "make things right" before fully committing your life to Him, trying to be "perfect" to the only perfect one?  YOU are highly favored.  Embrace that.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

God Provides, Philippians 4:19

"My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

Meeting needs means different things to different people.  But for me getting my needs met reflect around the basics of not just physical needs, but my emotional, intellectual as well as my spiritual needs to help me stay in balance.  When one of these needs is a little off, I find that I'm a little off in dealing with life or even with people.  God shares with us that He will meet all of our needs, sometimes we just forget to stop and ask Him.  Our Father wants to hear from us, He wants to know that we are aware of ourselves and the work He's doing in us.  When we become aware of ourselves we will know when we are a little off in one particular area and we can begin praying that God show us what is lacking or what it is that we need to be doing to restore the balance in our life again.  This life is not easy, He never promised it would be but He did promise life everlasting.  We just need to continue to ask for direction, ask for our needs to be met according to His riches in glory.  He afterall is a loving Father and wants His children happy and whole, blessed and filled with great joy.

What needs today do you need met?  Have you asked Him to meet you where you are today and take care of your need(s)?


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Firm Ground, Psalm 62:1-2

"My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken."

I found this scripture comforting today.  A day where I find the ground beneath me shaky and weak.  A day that I am reminded that my strength doesn't come from within me, but from within the God who dwells in me.  It is in HIM that I find my rest, it is in HIM that I can build my fortress when the world doesn't seem very stable.  One thing I've learned the last 10 years or so is that some days I'm not going to feel very confident or strong and that's ok.  Some days I may just be a little off, maybe a little emotional or maybe just physically run down.  In these days I turn to my Father and simply ask for an extra helping of His blessings for the next day so that I can continue to do His call in my life.  But I don't waste time beating myself for feeling weak or at the end of my rope in a situation or in life.  I think the world can do enough beating for the both of us.  Instead you can turn to His word and read scriptures like this one today and know our God has us craddled in His arms and will rock us just as a mother with a newborn until our soul quiets and we can regain all that we lacked today in the tomorrows.

Are you feeling not quite yourself?  Maybe struggling with a situation or relationship and feel you're simply on sinking ground?  Are the rains of life pouring down so hard that sometimes you just want to give up because all your strength is gone?  Give yourself a moment, give yourself a slice of time to allow the Father to scoop you up in His arms and say to you:  I am your rock, I am your fortress, I am your strong tower in which you can hide yourself in.  Today let me be your God, let me be your Abba Father and allow me to give you strength for your tomorrow.


Friday, November 12, 2010

Fruitful, John 15:2

"He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful."

This scripture has been replaying in my mind a lot these days.  When we go through the deepest darkest valleys we find that we begin to question why God has allowed the hardships or why did he allow the pain or disappointment.  If you don't do this, that's great, but I know that sometimes I take the road of self-pity instead of the road of lesson learned.  I've begun to realize that during my times of hardship is when I turn to the Father more and rely on me less.  It's during these times that I begin to see the better part of me start shining through because I'm sharing Him more and showing Him to others through my witness.  I've begun to understand that instead of praying God remove the trouble or the pain that I have begun to pray for God to reveal to me the lesson that I need to learn to grow, to bear fruit.  I think of my time in my gardens, when I tend to them with the standard watering and weeding I produce pretty flowers.  But if I spend a bit more time, pruning and cutting back the deadheads I get a fuller richer bouquet.  The flowers are bigger, they are brighter and the aroma is more fragrant.  Isn't this how we are when we are pruned?  When we come out on the otherside of the Master Gardener's hands...aren't we the better for it? 

I'd rather not have to go through the pruning of course, who wouldn't prefer to avoid the sting of it.  But once I've had time to firmly root myself in the soil of life after God, the Master Gardener, has taken off the ugly "deadheads" of my personality, my actions, my attitudes or maybe my pride I find that others want to come plant themselves beside me and soak up some of the SONshine that I've been restored from.

Are there dead branches in your life right now?  Areas of your life that you know you need to let die by the wayside to be the best God called you to be?  Are you bearing the most desirable of fruits that you can produce or have your roots grown shallow and weak, the pulp of your stalk unable to sustain the life that you've been granted because you've turned away from the Son?

Accept the pruning and rejoice in the blossoming of new life, for every season there can be beauty.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Healing, Psalm 30:2

"O Lord my God, I called to you for help and you healed me."

Such a short verse but yet so powerful.  If we simply call upon our Lord in our time of need He will come to us and heal us.  The past several days I've been battling a bit of a bug and what God was sharing with me was that I needed rest to be restored to health.  Today I did just that, I rested and this evening I'm beginning to feel better.  Thank you, Jesus.  But there are times when our loved ones grow ill or perhaps our own bodies are stricken with sickness and we begin to pray upon the Lord for strength and healing.  Some of those illnesses are long term and we watch those we love begin to wither and grow weaker in body.  It's during those times that our faith is tested and we reflect back on His word... "and you healed me."  Where are you Father?  Why isn't the healing rain coming down?  That is one of the tough questions of this life, where Lord is your healing rain, why are you not pouring down and answering MY prayer?

Those close to me know that I lost my only child to cancer many years ago.  He was a true reflection of the love of Christ.  Many have questioned me on how I can still have faith in God, in His healing power when my own son was taken in sickness.  I didn't have an answer to this for many years.  But I do today.  You see healing rain isn't just the here and now.  Sometimes it's the here for eternity.  My son was forever healed in glory.  He never again will experience sickness, pain or suffering.  He was healed for eternity.  The healing for eternity is one that some have a hard time accepting.  But believe me when I say, there is a season for all things in life.  Some of us may live a very long life and others will have a short journey here on this side of Heaven but will be with the Father for all times.

We never want to say good-bye, especially to those that mean so much to us.  I never wanted to tell my son good-bye, I prayed for healing here on earth and God chose to heal him in Heaven.  But what was the true center of my prayer?  I wanted my son healed, God chose how to heal him.  Through the battle God was able to use the journey to share His love and touch lives that may never have gotten a glimpse of Him if it hadn't been for the gift of a little boy named, Nigel.  God himself sacrificed His only begotten son so that we may have eternal life.  Eternal healing.

Michael W. Smith sings a song called "Healing Rain/Let It Rain".  I pray that it speak healing over your soul as you listen and watch the video below.

Tonight you may be needing a physical touch from the God who heals, Jehovah-rapha, perhaps you need an emotional healing or maybe you need your soul to be restored.  Maybe you need healing in a broken relationship.  Whatever the need for healing, remember that God pours down His healing rain in His timing and according to His plans.  Trust in the word when it says, "O Lord my God, I called to you for help and you healed me."


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Rest, Matthew 11:28-30

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Ahhh, rest.  In today's busy times it's hard to quiet ourselves and actually allow our bodies to rest.  Sometimes it's the schedule that we establish for ourselves that robs us, sometimes it's worry or stress that steals the rest God has called for our bodies. Regardless of what is preventing our rest, our bodies will respond when we aren't receiving the proper amount.  We were never designed to work and never cease in labor, God himself rested upon the seventh day...what makes us think we are more capable of running this race than He is without rest?  We were instructed in His word to rest, rest in the physical realm and rest in Him who created all things for us.  I find for me regardless of what rest I allow myself to do without, I end up sick.  sniffle, sniffle, cough, cough... you know the routine.  If I would only learn to put in my schedule, rest.

God called us to rest, what's stealing your rest in Him today?  Does your soul feel refreshed or do you feel tired and burdened yoked to things that God has already asked you to lay down?  Maybe you simply need to use that short little word, NO, and rest awhile with the King.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Friendship, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:  if one falls down, his friend can help him up.  But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!"

Remember that word prosperity that I've mentioned the past couple of days?  I've prospered the most in life in friendships; some are for a season, some a reason and some are lifetime friends.  Each have been a blessing to me in some way and I pray in return I've been the friend they have needed as well.  God never called us to walk this journey alone, our very existence is a result of God wanting a relationship with us.  We are called to help one another up when one of us falls, to be there to support our brother or sister in their time of need.  Our culture is a reflection of this with the onset of social networks forming, people needing to reach out to one another.  This time in history is troubling for many with the economic hardships that have fallen on families.  Without a friend to come along side us, the battle could be more than we could bare.

If you are trying to walk this journey without a friend, thinking that you can do this thing called life alone... perhaps you need to dig a little deeper in the word and see that God called us all to be a friend to another.  Maybe you don't have any needs to be met (although I would find this hard to believe), maybe what is required of you today is that you be a friend to someone who needs a friend to come along and be the support through their crisis, their struggle or maybe to rejoice with them and celebrate.  Some of you may be saying, friendships have brought me much grief and I don't need them.  Unfortunately friendships can hurt us, we are afterall human and we fail one another.  Opening ourselves up to friends can be a risk, but the reward more often than not is greater than any risk presented.  It's the friend that can provide us encouragement, celebrate in our special moments with us, be a shoulder to cry on during trials or simply someone to talk with and share our life story with.

Who in your life right now is in need of a friend?  Who is in your circle of activities that could use someone to come along side and support them?  Is there someone who needs forgiveness in a broken relationship, perhaps you or maybe someone you wronged?


Friday, November 5, 2010

Obedience, Job 36:11

"If they obey and serve him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment." 

There's that word again...prosperity.  Amazing how the word reminds us that God wants us to prosper.  Some days its hard to believe, isn't it?  We suffer a loss, perhaps a loved one, a friendship, maybe a job or maybe our home or our family to divorce.  We then begin to question the word, "Father you tell us that you will prosper us but yet I've lost..." fill in the blank with your own loss.  No loss is ever easy, often it's hard to understand how it could possibly be part of His plan.  But sometimes the loss is our road to prosperity if we remain obedient to His voice and follow the path He lays before us. 

For each loss you have had in your life, can you think of anything positive that has come from it?  Perhaps you've lost your marriage only to find the man or woman God purposed for you.  Maybe it was the loss of a job only to find a job that satisfies and provides contentment in a way that your old job could never provide.  We have a hard time seeing these as "positives" when we are traveling through the vast forest, but when we reach the clearing there we see God's provision of prosperity yet again because we were obedient and trusted that He'd see us through just as He promised He would.

I've learned through my obedience that God prospers me in wisdom, in hope, in relationships and yes in material things.  God has called me to serve, sometimes I do that willingly and sometimes I wrestle with Him and think I am just too busy or don't really like what He's calling me to do.  I guess you could say I'm a slow learner at times because I've never seen my obedience unrewarded.  Today God has called me to write a blog to encourage others.

What has God been calling you to do?  When will you stop wrestling with Him and be obedient?  When will you begin to allow Him to place you on the paths to prosperity?


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hope, Jeremiah 29:11

I wanted to start my first blog with my favorite scripture, a scripture that gives me Hope in this life.  Jeremiah 29:11 states, " For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

When doubt enters my mind or when fear enters my heart I reflect on this scripture and know that the God that has saved me from so many things in life and brought me to the place I am today didn't just offer me a tomorrow but His plan offers me Hope in a prosperous future.  Some may think of this in offerings of material things, but for me, I think of being prosperous as more love than I know I am worthy to have but have anyway.  I didn't have to do anything to receive hope, I simply received Him and in that I receive my hope for tomorrow. 

What are you hoping for?  Who are you trusting your hopes with?  Do you believe you have hope and a future?  If you are struggling with finding hope for the tomorrows, find reassurance in His word.
